Your Members Receive
the Best Medical Care
in Singapore
Most experienced assistance provider in Singapore helping international insurers and TPAs manage global healthcare plans since 1996
Medical cases
per year
Call centre assistance
24 / 7
hospital GOP network
in Singapore
Years of
Insurers entrust their members to us because:
Priority assistance
for your members in Singapore
Retain your members and attract more by ensuring they receive priority assistance and the best medical care while in Singapore:
Out- and in-patient arrangements at accredited healthcare providers
Doctor house-calls, telemedicine
Patient accompaniment, car transfers, translation
Obtain medical and invoice information necessary for assessment of coverage
Cost containment
Tap on our 25+ years of experience
Broad doctor & hospital network: choose cost-effective treatment options
Review your invoices for unnecessary charges
Strong business relationships with air ambulance providers: best value on every case
Ensure treatments are medically necessary, conditions are not pre-existing and charges are R&C
Ulink Assist's regional network
Singapore (HQ)
City Hall
Since 1996
98% of healthcare providers
Kuala Lumpur
Since 2012
130+ selected hospitals
15+ cities (Johor, Malacca, Penang, Kuala Lumpur etc.)
Since 2003
427 selected hospitals
49+ areas (Jakarta, Depok, Markasa etc.)
Downtown Yangon
Since 2015
30+ selected hospitals
15+ cities (Yangon, Mandalay, Naypyidaw etc.)
Contact Us
+65 6835 0388 (24/7)
50 Armenian Street,
#04-02 Wilmer Place,
Singapore 179938